Compline HelpDesk is always here to assist you, but sometimes you need a quick reference.
Take a look at the FAQ and see if we can quickly answer your questions.
How do I get appointed or get service?
Fill out our service request and email or fax it to us. We are friendly and want to serve. Please be careful to be accurate about your information. Click here for the form…
Can I purchase Marketing Lists?
Yes. Members have access to a panoply of marketing tools including Risklist, Modwatch, ModPlus and NewMod. More more infoamtion about our lead services please contact HelpDesk@compline.com
How Do I estimate or project X-Mods for me or my clients?
Compline service includes for most members an X-Mod calculator known as Workers’ Comp Utilities. You can use it to verify, or project X-Mods to perform What-if scenarios and more.
Click here to read more about Workers’ Comp Utilities.
Does Compline only provide data for California?
Does Compline offer X-Mod consulting services?
Yes Compline will work through its Member producers or directly with employers.
I am an employer; Can I monitor my own X-Mod?
Yes. We have a special category for this. But many agents and brokers use our system and will do this for you as part of their service. If you are an employer and want to monitor your own X-Mod – we will notify you immediately each time it changes. There are many other services we can provide. Please send an inquiry to Helpdesk@Compline.com
What do I Get with Compline?
Compline provides a set of tools for finding, tracking analyzing, projecting and understanding experience modifications, which are sometimes known as X-Mods, EMRs, exmods, ex-mods, or xmods. Most of the tools come with the basic subscription lead generation costs a little more. Read our features list on the navigation bar.
My company already has an account, can I get added?
Sure, we support unlimited users at each locations so send us an email or contact your KeyOp.
What is a KeyOp and What Do They Do?
KeyOp is short for Key Operator. The phrase is a carry over from the early 1980s when each Member Organization had a person at each location to train and users and answer questions. Today the KeyOp works in conjunction with the Compline Helpdesk to protect security and users in the organization.
Effective date verses calc date
Dale please edit
If I bought leads leads from WWW.WorkCompLeads.com can I really get Compline to add X-Mods for free?
Yes. Send the spreadsheet you got from WCL to the Compline helpdesk.